


Many researchers have tried to determine the effects of praise on children. Instead of helping children develop a sense of selfcontrol and selfesteem, praising can often have the opposite effect, making children more dependent on adults and less likely to take risks. These children may even refuse to try more difficult tasks after experiencing less success than their peers.

One study done at Stanford University in 1998 found that children who were constantly praised for their intelligence became more interested in choosing tasks that were easy for them rather than more challenging ones. They avoided activities that might show them in a less favourable light. The study concluded that "praise can be more detrimental than helpful to children as they achieve new tasks"。

The researchers found that the most effective praise was praise of the child's effort rather than praising the child's intelligence or talent. This encouraged the child to see the importance of hard work and effort, leading to more resilient children who were more willing to take on new tasks, even if they might fail.

1. The main idea of the passage is that

A. children should not be praised at all

B. praise should be used carefully with children

C. children need more praise from adults

D. praising children increases their intelligence






