Medical Postgraduate Entrance Examination: Writing English Essays Based on Charts

Writing essays based on charts is a common task in the medical postgraduate entrance examination. It requires candidates to interpret and analyze data presented in a chart, and then express their opinions and insights in a coherent and organized manner. Here are some tips and strategies for writing English essays based on charts in the medical postgraduate entrance examination:

Before starting to write the essay, carefully examine the chart provided. Identify the key information such as the title, axes labels, units of measurement, and trends shown in the chart. Make sure you understand the data presented and the relationship between different variables.

Begin your essay by describing the chart and its main features. Provide a clear and concise overview of the data and trends shown in the chart. You can mention the time period covered, the variables involved, and any notable patterns or outliers in the data.

In the main body of your essay, discuss the data in more detail. Analyze the trends, correlations, and comparisons shown in the chart. Use appropriate vocabulary and grammar to describe the data accurately. Support your analysis with examples and evidence from the chart.

Use a variety of vocabulary and sentence structures to demonstrate your language proficiency. Make use of linking words and phrases to connect ideas and create a coherent flow in your writing. Organize your essay into paragraphs with clear topic sentences and supporting details.

In the conclusion of your essay, summarize the main points you have made based on the chart. You can also provide insights, predictions, or recommendations based on the data presented. End your essay with a strong closing statement that reinforces your main argument.

Practice writing essays based on different types of charts to improve your skills. Ask for feedback from teachers, mentors, or peers to identify areas for improvement. Revise your essays based on the feedback received to enhance your writing abilities.

  • Stay focused on the data presented in the chart and avoid providing irrelevant information.
  • Pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and spelling to ensure clarity and accuracy in your writing.
  • Practice time management to allocate sufficient time for planning, writing, and revising your essay.
  • Read sample essays based on charts to learn from successful models and adapt effective writing techniques.

Writing English essays based on charts in the medical postgraduate entrance examination requires practice, critical thinking, and good language skills. By following these tips and strategies, you can improve your ability to analyze and communicate information effectively in written form.



