Certainly! Here's a structured work plan for a sand painting training program in Changsha:

Work Plan: Sand Painting Training Program in Changsha

1. Objectives:

Primary Goal:

Establish a comprehensive sand painting training program in Changsha to educate participants on techniques, styles, and artistic expressions in sand painting.

Specific Objectives:

Train 50 participants within the first quarter.

Conduct weekly workshops covering basic to advanced sand painting techniques.

Organize a public exhibition of participants' work within six months.

2. Resources Required:


Experienced sand painting instructors (2)

Administrative support staff (1)


Sand painting kits (including sand, brushes, trays) for each participant

Projector and screen for demonstrations

Venue with adequate space for workshops and exhibitions


Budget for venue rental, materials procurement, and marketing efforts


Weekly workshops of 2 hours each

Preparation time for instructors and administrative tasks

3. Risk Assessment:

Financial Risk:

Potential overspending on materials and venue if not properly budgeted.

Operational Risk:

Availability of qualified instructors and suitable venue on desired dates.

Market Risk:

Low turnout due to limited awareness of sand painting as an art form in the local community.

Logistical Risk:

Delays in material procurement or venue booking affecting workshop schedule.

4. Followup and Evaluation:

Progress Monitoring:

Weekly meetings with instructors to assess workshop effectiveness and participant engagement.

Participant Feedback:

Surveys after each workshop to gauge satisfaction and areas for improvement.

Final Evaluation:

Review of participant artworks and feedback from the public exhibition to measure overall success of the program.

This work plan provides a structured approach to launching and managing a sand painting training program in Changsha, ensuring clear objectives, resource allocation, risk assessment, and methods for followup and evaluation.



